Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Food That Make Being a Regularly Menstrual Cycle

Regularly Menstrual Cycle
Menstruation is a monthly cycle of a woman who must be experienced. This indicates that women are still fertile and healthy. But there are times when the periods become so worrisome. This is because of the lifestyle and the food that makes irregular menstruation. Many women are worried because they think there are serious problems with the female organ. Well, if it is not too serious, you can handle it by eating these foods.
Salmon is a famous luxury foods with nutrients that are also rich. Consumption of salmon on a regular basis can help increase collagen in the body. In addition, salmon can give you good stability hormones. This is because the content of calcium, vitamin D and many other nutrients that are beneficial, so you can not easily stressed and menstruation you can arrive on time.
Broccoli is one of the types of vegetables that are beneficial to health. Content in it, including vitamin A, B, C, K with added antioxidants, iron and fiber-rich. The content of folate and B vitamins in broccoli can prevent depression which became one of the triggers irregular menstrual women and the unhealthiness of our current monthly period.
The Sesame
Although sesame is small, but has great rewards. That said, eating sesame can help condition your body stay healthy as vitamin E, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. You could eat dumplings or consumption of foods with a sprinkling of sesame. But not advisable to eat too much because the sesame causing more body heat.
Soy Milk
Consumption of soy milk can make menstruation more smoothly. You can consume soy itself to beautify the skin, regulate and maintain a healthy waist circumference. Soy milk is good for menstrual pain but you are lazy to eat. Besides could be the additional power, the nutrients in a glass of soy milk is able to maintain a healthy body and reproductive system.
Choose boiled eggs rather than fried eggs. Protein it contains has good benefits such as soybeans in helping regulate your menstrual cycle. Eggs are also able to maintain your hormonal system and keeps you powered and focused when she was menstruating.

Some of the above foods can also be replaced with other alternatives such as spinach, nuts, fruit and other marine fish. Consumption of food that is not too cold and heat as well as fresh ones, can keep your body system is not compromised, especially during menstruation.
Also avoid too much activity but lack of rest, because the food, activity and rest should be balanced so that the body is always stable.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ingredients Potatoes are Not Good for the Human Body

Potatoes, one carbohydrate source that is delicious and rich benefits. In addition to being useful for food, potatoes can also make your skin more radiant and acne free. Unfortunately, there is a fact that less well than tubers this one. Be careful if you want to process or consume potatoes. Still looks normal, they can be turned into poison.
How Can?
Potatoes are generally pale brown with the yellow part. Typically, potatoes could turn into a greenish color when they are exposed to excessive sunlight. Incorrect storage, such as storage temperature is too cold or warm, can turn potatoes into greenish.
If your potatoes have changed color like this, do not use. Reporting from Snopes, the color green is actually a chlorophyll content. Well, it is good for health chlorophyll?
Oops, it turns out the problem is not there, Ladies. Chlorophyll and green color that appears it is not a poison. The green color is only an indication that the potatoes are exposed to light or unfavorable storage. However, when potatoes are exposed to light too much, then it will produce a substance called solanine.
Solanine and danger
Solanine is a natural toxin found in green potatoes. Consumption of high amounts of solanine can cause a variety of diseases such as diarrhea, food poisoning, headaches to nausea and vomiting.
Potatoes are like this usually have a more bitter taste and bitter. Cut the green part can help eliminate the content of solanine in potatoes. It is important to prevent the risk of illness, especially for those who have allergies or sensitivities to foods high.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Recognize the Origins of Asthma in Humans

Commonly known as another name of shortness of breath, asthma was derived from the word 'asthma' which meant it was hard to breathe. You certainly are familiar with the name of the disease. Asthma usually occurs in children, but adults are also not uncommon for this disease.
With symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or wheezing sound to the more commonly known as 'asthma' is certainly quite excruciating. Do you know if it's the cause of asthma? Asthma is caused by narrowing of the airways. Typically, this occurs because of excess activity that produces a specific stimulus and consequently blood vessels become inflamed and narrowed. Naturally, because of this, the air is supposed to carry oxygen to the lungs and chest cavity becomes obstructed.
According to a source of data and Lung Association in America, one in three people with asthma are those aged under 18 years. Normally, the main cause of this disease is an allergy, ranging from dust to pollen.
Even a study carried out in America and Europe are summarized in the book "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 'revealed when one parent has asthma, chances are the child will also be at risk for asthma 3 times.
People with asthma have airways that is super sensitive than those who do not. Therefore, special care is needed for those of you who have asthma. Indeed, there is no medicine that can relieve asthma as a whole, but there are also some medications that are recommended to be consumed if you have asthma. Usually, people with asthma will be identical with the inhaler.
Although known as a chronic disease like diabetes and high blood pressure, asthma can be prevented by regulating the pattern of a balanced lifestyle and healthy. Ranging from diet, exercise, self-monitoring habits until the weather changes you have noticed. You also have to get used to living clean in order to avoid the vulnerability of developing allergies. If you get asthma because of heredity, of course you have to 'clever' to prevent relapse.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Health Benefits of Raisins For Human Body

Raisins are dried grapes and used to mix cake, cooking, or as a snack. Raisins can be made ​​from a variety of different grape varieties colors and sizes. Some are made from green grapes, black grapes, blue grapes, grape purple, even yellow wine.
Dried by first seeded, making raisins apparently takes quite a long time. Generally, the quality will be dried raisins traditionally with solar energy. The result is a yellowish color or black and shiny with a dry skin but the flesh is half wet in it.
Speaking of nutrition, when processed into raisins, the dried grapes which are still rich in essential nutrients. In it, contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9, choline, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and Zind fluoride.
So, with all these contents are raisins for health benefits? Quoted from Boldsky, following a variety of health benefits of raisins:
Taking care of teeth
Raisins contain oleanolic acid that can protect teeth from loss and damage. In addition, these substances also prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth, where bacteria commonly cause mouth odor and gingivitis.
Helps relieve constipation
Constipation problem usually experienced as less fiber body. While raisin itself is a fiber-rich snack, thus effectively helping to overcome constipation and facilitate digestion.
Because of iron and vitamin B complex is complete, then the raisins can help increase the amount of blood in the body. So the body does not get anemic.
Preventing cancer
Are polyphenolic, antioxidant substances contained in raisins, and worked as catechins that fight cancer-causing free radicals. Especially raisins may help prevent colon cancer is often threatened by digestion.
Phytonutrients and antioxidants contained in raisins good for eye care. Prevent damage to the eye caused by free radicals.
Strong bones
Raisins are also a food that is rich in iron and calcium. Served healthy and rewarding keep your bones stay strong. Women who experience menopause generally lack calcium and risk of developing osteoporosis, they are advised to consume the dried fruit.
To overcome erectile dysfunction
Men should also know eating raisins. Is the content of arginine, a type of amino acid that is contained in raisins and help increase libido. Arginine will help overcome erectile dysfunction.
Detox belly
Generally when flatulence and stomach indicate foul smell is in dirty condition. Well, it's time consuming raisins are rich in fiber and able to be digested properly by the body. The fiber also and cleanses the digestive organs by removing toxins and substances that the body is not required.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Easy Diet for Each Blood Type

Most of you may not know exactly what it is the blood type diet, but some of them have felt the benefits of the blood type diet.
Structurally, it turns blood type can help choose certain foods. The goal is to fit required. This diet was first introduced by Dr.. Peter d'Adamo a practitioner of naturopathy. Since he introduced the blood type diet, have a lot of artists who apply them in everyday life. Like Kate Winslet for example, he admitted quite satisfied with the results of the blood type diet.
Also curious how the blood type diet? Quoting Dr. Peter d'Adamo of Boldsky, here are some quick tips blood type diet.
Diet for blood type O:
Those who have blood type O are eating everything. They recommended mainly consume non-vegetarian menu. They may eat all kinds of meat ranging menu of red meat and poultry, as well as chicken. Protein is the major source of nutrients owner blood group O.
For the vegetable menu also no restrictions vegetables should not be eaten. But the greens need to be prioritized.
We recommend the blood type O is also not overly sweet eating fat burning because the metabolism is quite slow.

Diet for blood type A:
No diet program that will work for blood type A if he was in a state of stress. For that Person A is required to cope with stress before the diet.
Because metabolism is low enough, A advised not to consume red meat. Red meat will only increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Dishes should be consumed are fish, fisheries, and other sources of protein extracted from the nuts.

Diet for blood group B:
B blood type is the universal blood type and is not too fussy about food. They may eat anything because it does not include many rare blood type restrictions. Even so, it is recommended that blood type B is not eating poultry. Good source of protein to replace the other menu such as dairy products.
Diet for blood type AB:
Well, the blood type is AB blood type most affected by the sap of blood group A and blood group B. The reason, they are advised not to eat red meat, dairy products, and limiting consumption of carbohydrates.
Blood type AB is allowed to eat poultry and a variety of vegetables, only to be completely refine carbohydrates into the body.
By running the program according to the blood type diet and choosing nutrient intake into the body, then the body will be healthier and the weight will be balanced and controlled.