Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Be careful, 6 Things It Can Trigger Unexpected Incidence of Heart Attack

A heart attack can come at any time for those who have risk factors, but researchers now reveal some other things unnoticed and unexpected fact can lead to a heart attack. Here are 6 things unforeseen that could lead to a heart attack, as reported by Prevention, Monday (08/19/2013).
Nonstick chemicals
Chemicals was felt nonstick cooking process makes everything easier. But in fact the medical side of the material is just the opposite. Previous anti-sticky material usage is associated with infertility, high cholesterol, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
But a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests a link between the chemical perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and heart disease. Regardless of age, body weight, presence of diabetes or other diseases, researchers found that people with high levels of PFOA in their blood had a 2 times greater risk of cardiovascular disease compared with those who had low levels of PFOA.
Climate change
Climate change is having a devastating effect on health, one heart attack. Excessive heat leads to the formation of small particles in polluted air, known as PM2.5. These particles will be entered and lodged in the lungs. Size is so small makes these particles can avoid the body's natural immune system defenses and migrate into the blood stream. Though hampered blood flow can clog arteries and form plaque, which is the trigger of heart attack and stroke.
Anti-bacterial soap
Triclosan is a chemical anti-bacterial soap and toothpaste is one of the causes of the risk of thyroid disease. Recent research suggests this material fact also can damage the heart and muscle tissue. As much as possible, should be the minimization of the use of soaps containing triclosan.
Canned foods
Sodium in fact not the only hazardous materials contained in canned foods. Other materials that bisphenol A or BPA, a hormone disruptor linked breast cancer, or aggressive anger problems in girls, obesity, and infertility.
Now a study published in the journal PLoS ONE reveals that small doses of BPA can cause cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. To avoid this, try to limit canned food and prefer fresh or frozen foods.
Scientists have found a link between air pollution, traffic congestion, and heart attack risk. German researchers found that those who are stuck in traffic, either as a driver or passenger, had 3.2 times higher risk for heart attack compared with those who did not get stuck in a traffic jam.
Some seafood
Researchers from Syracuse University shows that you have to choose more carefully seafood. Because, they found that fish contaminated with high levels of mercury which can disrupt the body's response to stress and increase the risk of heart disease. Mercury raises this risk by interfering with the body's natural levels of the hormone cortisol.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Bananas, Cheese and Chocolate Is Dangerous Foods

Bananas, Cheese and Chocolate Is Dangerous Foods
Anyone who likes to eat bananas, cheese or chocolate? The food is often recommended for healthy consumption. Bananas contain lots of vitamin B and fiber to aid digestion. Chocolate can reduce stress, while the cheese contains calcium. But you know, not always healthy food is really healthy.
Chocolate, Banana & Cheese Make Difficult Sleep
Quoted from Genius Beauty, chocolate, bananas and cheese contain a lot of tyramine, a substance that can be toxic in adrenaline. Many consume all three will increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels. As a result, the muscles will experience a hyper-tonic and cause migraines. Therefore, avoid eating chocolate, banana or cheese before going to sleep.
Avoid Bananas The Causeway Gas Sprayed
Be careful with bananas imported from other countries or other regions. Bananas are usually harvested while still green and sprayed gas special order just in time to mature. The effects of the gas can stimulate excessive production of the hormone estrogen in women and androgen in men. As a result, children can experience early puberty, nerve disorders, irregular menstruation and having trouble sleeping.
Dark Chocolate is not Always Healthy
Many people are afraid of getting fat if you eat chocolate that is mixed with milk, dark chocolate so often been even more bitter taste. Unfortunately, dark chocolate containing 90 percent cocoa proved difficult to digest the body. To digest, the body will secrete enzymes artillery. Though the body is more easily digested when mixed with milk chocolate.
Chocolate is made ​​happy because it can stimulate the hormone serotonin. But if you lack too much chocolate cocoa even up to 90 percent of it can cause problems in the stomach and intestinal inflammation. In fact, there are people who suffered an overdose of chocolate, not happy to come by, but the stress and depression.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tips On Overcoming Problem Itching Vagina

Tips On Overcoming Problem Itching Vagina
Itching of the vagina caused by many things, one of which is a bacterial fungus. The fungal bacteria can be contracted through sexual intercourse multiple partners, urinate in a less hygienic, does not replace the pads on a regular basis, do not change underwear when it's damp, excess sugar in the body, allergic to antibiotics, a weak immune system and other forth.
There is also itching caused by an allergic reaction, but the probability is very small and rarely experienced by most women. Even so, the fungal bacteria should not be allowed to continue because it can grow in number and not only cause itching. In the case that is not treated immediately will cause as burning and accompanied by pleasant aroma. If carded and irritation, then it could be a bikini bottom area of ​​infection.
If signs of itching in the vagina has been attacked by fungi, in addition to itching, Miss V is also accompanied by the formation of a white fungus that is thick enough to stick to miss area V. Well, the fungus will continue to grow and cause itching, burning and foul smell.
Keeping it balanced PH is the main key to the fungus does not grow in the area miss V. Therefore, avoid using any soap when washing the vagina and it is recommended to wear a special soap with PH balance.
For cases that have severe itching, you should immediately contact your doctor does. But if the doctor is still a few hours ahead, then you can do the following:
  • Washing the vagina using a special soap with PH balance
  • If soap is not available, can use boiled water betel leaf
  • Changing underwear any signs of moisture. Do not let it get prolonged wet because the bacteria can be more and more in number.
  • Avoid using the bandages too long. Change your pads every 3-4 hours.
  • In the meantime, avoid all foods that can aggravate itching like seafood, eggs, chicken, and other things that can trigger allergies.
  • Use talc powder to relieve itching, because the powder would be the perfect medium for bacteria to breed mold.
  • Use in tight pants and hot. Miss V need air to breathe and require considerable change.
  • Scratch when it itches, as this will aggravate the condition.
Immediately contact your doctor immediately so that you can receive care and treatment through oral and gel / cream that can specifically address the fungal bacteria.

Overcoming Smell and Sweat Too Much On Feet Soles

Overcoming Smell and Sweat Too Much On Feet Soles
In certain cases, there are people who can easily sweat on the soles of the feet. This is normal because every person is born with a different number of sweat glands. There is also easy to sweat because of psychological problems or certain diseases. If you are sweating in the foot or leg feels moist, it could create confidence declined, due to sweaty feet odor when mixed bacteria. Sense of damp in the foot too uncomfortable. To fix this, do the ways!
Soak With Salt Water
Once a week, soak feet in a mixture of 1 quart of warm water and 60 grams of sea salt. This marinade can make your feet more comfortable and help relieve excessive sweating.
Wear Powder Special
To prevent foot odor, use a special deodorant foot powder. Use before you wear shoes or socks before wearing every day.
Use The Absorb Sweat Socks
Wearing socks is the right choice to make you sweat quickly absorbed and does not give the impression hot and uncomfortable.
Avoid Footwear From Plastic
Footwear made ​​of plastic foot complicate breathing pores. Choose shoes made ​​of leather or use a more open footwear. Sense of cool in the leg will reduce excessive sweating.
Treating Footwear
Footwear that has been used is a hotbed of bacteria which can cause foot odor. Wash your footwear regularly. If it should not be washed, winds in a warm location but not direct sun exposure that lost moisture.

Recognize Symptoms and Various Kinds of Hepatitis

Recognize Symptoms and Various Kinds of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is a disease threatening the second after cancer. And at least 1 in 12 people have the potential for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. As reported and reported by Indiatimes, hepatitis is enough cause unrest and never made ​​a lot of people dying because of it. One of them alone Hepatitis C, which is even 100 times more deadly than HIV.

Cause of Hepatitis is diverse, different in each case. Symptoms include:
  • Excessive nausea
  • Muscle pain
  • fever
  • Protracted headache
  • Yellowing eyes and skin

Hepatitis is found not only one kind. Until now in the world there are 5 types of diseases classified Hepatitis different causes.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is caused by the Hepatitis A virus Usually infects through food or water. Those who fell ill with hepatitis A will feel pain and experience all the symptoms of hepatitis. There is no specific medicine to treat it other than pain medication. However, it has now been found that a vaccine can prevent this disease.
Hepatitis B
Caused by hepatitis B. Transmission through blood transfusions or transmission of body fluids such as semen or discharge from Miss V. The virus is also transmitted during unprotected sex, sharing needles simultaneously, passing razors, toothbrushes or other body material exchange. There is already a vaccine that can prevent this disease, and is generally given to those who are actively using drugs type of injection.
Hepatitis C
Caused by hepatitis C. Infection can occur due to the exchange of saliva, semen, vagina fluid, and blood transfusions. Unfortunately, until now there is no cure and the vaccine has not discovered any signatures.
Hepatitis D
Caused by the hepatitis D virus, and usually appears in people with hepatitis B. Suspected that turns the hepatitis B virus can mutate and evolve into viral hepatitis D.
Hepatitis E
Caused by hepatitis E virus and usually infects not too long and tend to be weak. Spread through contaminated food and water.

It is important to do the hepatitis A and B vaccinations to prevent the disease. Also, avoid changing partners and vigilant when it comes to blood transfusions. Live healthier by choosing food hygiene, and stay away from the threat of this disease.

7 Causes of High Cholesterol to look out for

7 Causes of High Cholesterol to look out for
In recent years, cholesterol is a frightening specter. Cholesterol is considered as the evil that causes health problems, such as heart attack, stroke and death. A person often feel anxious if the level of bad cholesterol in the blood is high. To maintain the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, you have to know what are the causes of high cholesterol, quoted from website.
Eating Pattern
What you eat, that's your body. Inevitably, diet is one of the causes of rising cholesterol levels. Some foods that contain cholesterol, among others, red meat, brains, seafood, animal milk, egg yolks, butter, cheese, palm oil. This does not mean that all food should be avoided, but should be consumed in moderation. While the foods you should watch out for high cholesterol such as margarine, pastries, cookies, chips, and other light snacks.
Belly fat is not just a signal that your appearance should be improved, because belly fat and excess weight will increase the level of triglycerides (bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL (good cholesterol). Ideal body weight and have a flat stomach is one of the key healthy.
Daily activity
Lazy, sleeping, day in front of the television or the computer will raise the level of LDL or bad cholesterol and lowering HDL or good cholesterol. Increase your physical activity, at least in the early morning walk or swim.
Age and Sex
When someone comes in at number aged 20 years, is naturally cholesterol levels will start rising bit by bit (as it should be your case). In men, if a good lifestyle, then cholesterol will begin to stabilize at the age of 50 years. Whereas in women, cholesterol remained stable until menopause. After menopause, cholesterol levels could rise as much as men.
Rarely Health Checks
Young age is not a reason to skip the various medical check. To see if your cholesterol is likely unstable or potentially increased cholesterol, doing routine medical check.
Family History
If a family has high cholesterol, there is most likely you will experience the same thing. So often to ask your biological family's medical history. Thus, you can make an effort to stabilize the bad cholesterol.
Smoking habit
You must have been smart enough to understand the dangers of smoking. Smoking lowers levels of good cholesterol, so it will increase bad cholesterol. Still want to smoke?

Those are some facts about the causes of increase in cholesterol or high cholesterol. May be useful.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tips to Lose Weight Using Seaweed Materials

Tips to Lose Weight Using Seaweed Materials
This seaweed is a type of algae that was rich in fiber and very good for digestion. As mentioned by several studies, one of which is revealed by a study conducted by the Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen, as quoted from tips healthy people. In these studies revealed that the fiber content in seaweed when consumed will give a sense of satiety for longer, improving digestion so no constipation, and decreased appetite.
The study was conducted on a number of respondents for 12 weeks, and the results they have weight loss significantly after eating seaweed.
In the belly, seaweed gel form that can strengthen the satiety signal to the brain. And in a similar study also found that the seaweed fiber drink in a week, a person can lose weight at least 1.7 pounds.
Fiber in seaweed is also found in apples, but coverage is better and more effective. Digestion is also more stable so that bowel movements become more fluent every day.
Want to reap the benefits of seaweed, try some of the following ideas.
  • Adding a gelatinous white while cooking the rice, so that the fiber in rice is much higher.
  • Eating jelly before eating.
  • Eating seaweed extract as a supplement.
  • Eating seaweed as a healthy snack, can be used as a herb ice, but do not forget to reduce your intake of sugar.
  • Seaweeds can be presented as well as a menu of vegetables, or as a wrap sushi.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Benefits and content of Aloe Vera

Benefits and content of Aloe Vera
Known for its benefits for hair, aloe vera it also saves a lot of other benefits. In fact, the ancient one, Aristotle asks his son Alexander the Great to colonize an island just because he wants to plant aloe vera to heal the wounds of the soldiers involved in the war fleet.
Although shaped like a cactus, but the actual aloe vera is included in the lily family which originated from southern Africa. Told by site, aloe vera has two benefits hundreds of its every corner, including vitamins, minerals, amino acid content, enzymes and so forth.
Wrinkle-free, Skin Shines
If you use aloe vera gel with ingredients you will surely avoid the appearance of wrinkles. This is because aloe vera is a fantastic moisturizer incredible. No matter what type of skin you have, say aloe vera is suitable for all skin types because she gives the supply of oxygen to the cells which can generate power and nourish the skin.
Take a piece of aloe vera and set aside part gelnya alone. Remember, this does not include sticky liquid that sticks to the skin. Destroy this gel and apply before you sleep. Besides acne disappear, the skin will be soft, glowing skin and say goodbye to wrinkles.
Making thick and long hair
Remember Rapunzel long hair, if it's really happening in the real world, surely many hair problems that will occur in the hair. But, Rapunzel does not live in your era, so get her jealous! You can apply aloe vera directly on your hair. Believe me, dandruff will disappear until the lice from your hair.
Apply the gel on the scalp after you wash. Light massage for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Or for practical, you can buy a shampoo with aloe vera content in it.
Contains lots of vitamins
Aloe vera contains some vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, therefore drinking a glass of aloe juice will certainly bring a million benefits to your health. With a glass of aloe vera juice, you can make more immune resistant so you will not be susceptible to disease.
Aloe vera juice is also rich in minerals. If you drink it on a regular basis will help you regulate blood flow in the body and also keep your weight stable. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and feel the benefits all day.
Healthy The joints and heart
As described above, with a glass of aloe vera juice will be a lot of benefits that you will get. Consuming aloe vera can also make you do not immediately see a doctor for joint problems. This is because aloe vera also contains anti-inflammatory benefit your muscles and joints. Not only that, it also lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Add aloe vera jelly from the fruit into smoothies or milk shakes you consume.
Breath relief
If taken in the right way, can aloe vera treat respiratory disorders. If you are susceptible to colds, bronchitis or other allergies, you can put aloe vera juice in your daily diet. Aloe vera has a lot of content that can help the body to thwart the development of bad bacteria in the body.

Friday, July 5, 2013

10 Tips for Eliminating Depression

Your post drowsiness during the day and is very eager to overeat? Be careful, you unwittingly may be experiencing symptoms of depression that can harm your body and your mental health. Want to know how to solve it?
The body is the main signal to find out if you are depressed. According to research from the University of Washington, USA, and daytime sleepiness after a great desire to overeat is a signal from the body that show symptoms of depression. However, there are some simple ways that can help you relieve depression.
Here are 10 simple tips to prevent and cure depression:
Consumption of vitamin D
Vitamin D is also known as the sun vitamin because sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the brain produce serotonin and oxytocin as antidepressants. These hormones are known to improve your mood at least up to 30%. According to researchers from the University of Texas, the morning is the best time to take vitamin D so as to reduce the risk of depression is almost 50%.
Do not be too tidy
Slightly lower standard of cleanliness or neatness lets you have more time to relax and rest. This helps you reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is the destroyer of brain function and your ability to produce hormones attenuator antidepressants. On the other hand, slightly reducing the time for clean-up can also make you to increase serotonin production in one week.
Change lighting
The researchers believe that there is a direct neural connection between the eye and your biological clock. Keeping your home and workplace remain bright in the daytime using lights or open the curtains are very helpful to reduce sleepiness triggers your stress and depression. But an hour before bed, you are advised to turn off lights and other electronic devices that emit light in order to get a healthy sleep pattern.
Dancing happily
Dancing is a combination of sport and rhythmic movement. This activity could push produce endorphins and serotonin making you feel happier. For best results during the 30-minute dance 4 times a week. In a study in Sweden recently, scientists declared that dancing for 9 weeks can reduce the risk of depression by 67%, a result that is much very good compared with the consumption of antidepressant drugs.
Sing along
Sing along to make your brain will be calm and to improve mood and alpha brain waves. Women who include music in their daily lives or sing for 10-15 minutes per day is known to recover from depression to 55% and reduce the risk of depression by 50%.
Eating avocados
Research shows, eat half an avocado every day can reduce the risk of depression and its symptoms by 25%. This is because the avocado will be full of monounsaturated fatty acids, a nutrient that can encourage the brain to produce the hormone dopamine, known as the love hormone causes a feeling of calm and comfortable.
Include starch in the diet
Starch is a refined flour in sediments yams, cassava, potatoes, and so on are shredded. Potatoes are known to increase the level of tryptophan in the brain as much as 54%.
Join the club of physical activity
Women who spend time together and move with physical activism club once a week, will feel healthy and happy for a month.
Apply a healthy sleep patterns
Compared with the early risers, nocturnal people 4 times more prone to depression. Staying up late and missed the morning sun would greatly disrupt your biological clock. Try to sleep before 11 pm because it is believed to reduce the symptoms of depression you are in for 1 week.
Do reflexology for 20 minutes a week can increase the production of endorphins in the brain causes feelings of pleasure and decrease pain and other physical fatigue by 25%.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Effective Ways to Lose Weight by Drinking Coffee

Long ago, many studies that prove the benefits of coffee to improve human health. In consumption is not excessive, coffee can make mood awake even lower the risk of oral cancer. In addition to making healthy, recent research shows that coffee can lose weight.
Reporting from the site, researchers from the University of Queensland for the possibility that coffee can lose weight. Results of clinical trials showed that the average coffee fans have a slender body. This is because coffee can reduce appetite and amount of food to be consumed.
The study involved volunteers who enjoy caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated coffee enthusiasts. They enjoy the drink at breakfast. The researchers noted how their appetite before lunch. In volunteers who consumed coffee with caffeine, they could starve than volunteers who drank decaffeinated coffee.
In a previous study, Japanese scientists reveals that drinking coffee every day can reduce the risk of stroke. While researchers from Norway showed that drinking one cup of coffee before work can reduce pain or soreness.
Although healthy, coffee consumption should not be excessive. Two cups is enough to keep you fresh and healthy throughout the day.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Food That Make Being a Regularly Menstrual Cycle

Regularly Menstrual Cycle
Menstruation is a monthly cycle of a woman who must be experienced. This indicates that women are still fertile and healthy. But there are times when the periods become so worrisome. This is because of the lifestyle and the food that makes irregular menstruation. Many women are worried because they think there are serious problems with the female organ. Well, if it is not too serious, you can handle it by eating these foods.
Salmon is a famous luxury foods with nutrients that are also rich. Consumption of salmon on a regular basis can help increase collagen in the body. In addition, salmon can give you good stability hormones. This is because the content of calcium, vitamin D and many other nutrients that are beneficial, so you can not easily stressed and menstruation you can arrive on time.
Broccoli is one of the types of vegetables that are beneficial to health. Content in it, including vitamin A, B, C, K with added antioxidants, iron and fiber-rich. The content of folate and B vitamins in broccoli can prevent depression which became one of the triggers irregular menstrual women and the unhealthiness of our current monthly period.
The Sesame
Although sesame is small, but has great rewards. That said, eating sesame can help condition your body stay healthy as vitamin E, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. You could eat dumplings or consumption of foods with a sprinkling of sesame. But not advisable to eat too much because the sesame causing more body heat.
Soy Milk
Consumption of soy milk can make menstruation more smoothly. You can consume soy itself to beautify the skin, regulate and maintain a healthy waist circumference. Soy milk is good for menstrual pain but you are lazy to eat. Besides could be the additional power, the nutrients in a glass of soy milk is able to maintain a healthy body and reproductive system.
Choose boiled eggs rather than fried eggs. Protein it contains has good benefits such as soybeans in helping regulate your menstrual cycle. Eggs are also able to maintain your hormonal system and keeps you powered and focused when she was menstruating.

Some of the above foods can also be replaced with other alternatives such as spinach, nuts, fruit and other marine fish. Consumption of food that is not too cold and heat as well as fresh ones, can keep your body system is not compromised, especially during menstruation.
Also avoid too much activity but lack of rest, because the food, activity and rest should be balanced so that the body is always stable.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ingredients Potatoes are Not Good for the Human Body

Potatoes, one carbohydrate source that is delicious and rich benefits. In addition to being useful for food, potatoes can also make your skin more radiant and acne free. Unfortunately, there is a fact that less well than tubers this one. Be careful if you want to process or consume potatoes. Still looks normal, they can be turned into poison.
How Can?
Potatoes are generally pale brown with the yellow part. Typically, potatoes could turn into a greenish color when they are exposed to excessive sunlight. Incorrect storage, such as storage temperature is too cold or warm, can turn potatoes into greenish.
If your potatoes have changed color like this, do not use. Reporting from Snopes, the color green is actually a chlorophyll content. Well, it is good for health chlorophyll?
Oops, it turns out the problem is not there, Ladies. Chlorophyll and green color that appears it is not a poison. The green color is only an indication that the potatoes are exposed to light or unfavorable storage. However, when potatoes are exposed to light too much, then it will produce a substance called solanine.
Solanine and danger
Solanine is a natural toxin found in green potatoes. Consumption of high amounts of solanine can cause a variety of diseases such as diarrhea, food poisoning, headaches to nausea and vomiting.
Potatoes are like this usually have a more bitter taste and bitter. Cut the green part can help eliminate the content of solanine in potatoes. It is important to prevent the risk of illness, especially for those who have allergies or sensitivities to foods high.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Recognize the Origins of Asthma in Humans

Commonly known as another name of shortness of breath, asthma was derived from the word 'asthma' which meant it was hard to breathe. You certainly are familiar with the name of the disease. Asthma usually occurs in children, but adults are also not uncommon for this disease.
With symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or wheezing sound to the more commonly known as 'asthma' is certainly quite excruciating. Do you know if it's the cause of asthma? Asthma is caused by narrowing of the airways. Typically, this occurs because of excess activity that produces a specific stimulus and consequently blood vessels become inflamed and narrowed. Naturally, because of this, the air is supposed to carry oxygen to the lungs and chest cavity becomes obstructed.
According to a source of data and Lung Association in America, one in three people with asthma are those aged under 18 years. Normally, the main cause of this disease is an allergy, ranging from dust to pollen.
Even a study carried out in America and Europe are summarized in the book "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 'revealed when one parent has asthma, chances are the child will also be at risk for asthma 3 times.
People with asthma have airways that is super sensitive than those who do not. Therefore, special care is needed for those of you who have asthma. Indeed, there is no medicine that can relieve asthma as a whole, but there are also some medications that are recommended to be consumed if you have asthma. Usually, people with asthma will be identical with the inhaler.
Although known as a chronic disease like diabetes and high blood pressure, asthma can be prevented by regulating the pattern of a balanced lifestyle and healthy. Ranging from diet, exercise, self-monitoring habits until the weather changes you have noticed. You also have to get used to living clean in order to avoid the vulnerability of developing allergies. If you get asthma because of heredity, of course you have to 'clever' to prevent relapse.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Health Benefits of Raisins For Human Body

Raisins are dried grapes and used to mix cake, cooking, or as a snack. Raisins can be made ​​from a variety of different grape varieties colors and sizes. Some are made from green grapes, black grapes, blue grapes, grape purple, even yellow wine.
Dried by first seeded, making raisins apparently takes quite a long time. Generally, the quality will be dried raisins traditionally with solar energy. The result is a yellowish color or black and shiny with a dry skin but the flesh is half wet in it.
Speaking of nutrition, when processed into raisins, the dried grapes which are still rich in essential nutrients. In it, contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9, choline, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and Zind fluoride.
So, with all these contents are raisins for health benefits? Quoted from Boldsky, following a variety of health benefits of raisins:
Taking care of teeth
Raisins contain oleanolic acid that can protect teeth from loss and damage. In addition, these substances also prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth, where bacteria commonly cause mouth odor and gingivitis.
Helps relieve constipation
Constipation problem usually experienced as less fiber body. While raisin itself is a fiber-rich snack, thus effectively helping to overcome constipation and facilitate digestion.
Because of iron and vitamin B complex is complete, then the raisins can help increase the amount of blood in the body. So the body does not get anemic.
Preventing cancer
Are polyphenolic, antioxidant substances contained in raisins, and worked as catechins that fight cancer-causing free radicals. Especially raisins may help prevent colon cancer is often threatened by digestion.
Phytonutrients and antioxidants contained in raisins good for eye care. Prevent damage to the eye caused by free radicals.
Strong bones
Raisins are also a food that is rich in iron and calcium. Served healthy and rewarding keep your bones stay strong. Women who experience menopause generally lack calcium and risk of developing osteoporosis, they are advised to consume the dried fruit.
To overcome erectile dysfunction
Men should also know eating raisins. Is the content of arginine, a type of amino acid that is contained in raisins and help increase libido. Arginine will help overcome erectile dysfunction.
Detox belly
Generally when flatulence and stomach indicate foul smell is in dirty condition. Well, it's time consuming raisins are rich in fiber and able to be digested properly by the body. The fiber also and cleanses the digestive organs by removing toxins and substances that the body is not required.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Easy Diet for Each Blood Type

Most of you may not know exactly what it is the blood type diet, but some of them have felt the benefits of the blood type diet.
Structurally, it turns blood type can help choose certain foods. The goal is to fit required. This diet was first introduced by Dr.. Peter d'Adamo a practitioner of naturopathy. Since he introduced the blood type diet, have a lot of artists who apply them in everyday life. Like Kate Winslet for example, he admitted quite satisfied with the results of the blood type diet.
Also curious how the blood type diet? Quoting Dr. Peter d'Adamo of Boldsky, here are some quick tips blood type diet.
Diet for blood type O:
Those who have blood type O are eating everything. They recommended mainly consume non-vegetarian menu. They may eat all kinds of meat ranging menu of red meat and poultry, as well as chicken. Protein is the major source of nutrients owner blood group O.
For the vegetable menu also no restrictions vegetables should not be eaten. But the greens need to be prioritized.
We recommend the blood type O is also not overly sweet eating fat burning because the metabolism is quite slow.

Diet for blood type A:
No diet program that will work for blood type A if he was in a state of stress. For that Person A is required to cope with stress before the diet.
Because metabolism is low enough, A advised not to consume red meat. Red meat will only increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Dishes should be consumed are fish, fisheries, and other sources of protein extracted from the nuts.

Diet for blood group B:
B blood type is the universal blood type and is not too fussy about food. They may eat anything because it does not include many rare blood type restrictions. Even so, it is recommended that blood type B is not eating poultry. Good source of protein to replace the other menu such as dairy products.
Diet for blood type AB:
Well, the blood type is AB blood type most affected by the sap of blood group A and blood group B. The reason, they are advised not to eat red meat, dairy products, and limiting consumption of carbohydrates.
Blood type AB is allowed to eat poultry and a variety of vegetables, only to be completely refine carbohydrates into the body.
By running the program according to the blood type diet and choosing nutrient intake into the body, then the body will be healthier and the weight will be balanced and controlled.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Some Foods to Eliminate Nicotine for Smokers

All smokers both active and passive smokers would have to understand that smoking is harmful to health. Although already aware of it, but sucking cigarettes complete with lethal substances still difficult to remove. Nicotine is an addictive substance that many species are found in cigarettes. There are many health hazards of these addictive substances. Nicotine can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure and damage to the lungs.
Even for people who have completely stopped, the effects of nicotine will continue for many years. And when nicotine is present in the body, this will only make you continue to take more nicotine intake through different sources.
Well, there's good news for those of you who have decided to quit smoking. You can throw all the nicotine from your body to a certain extent by having a healthy diet and lifestyle changes to be healthier with the following foods:
This green vegetable is a rich source of vitamin C and B5. Smoking reduces the amount of vitamin C from the body. So, eating broccoli can reduce the nicotine from the body.
Orange juice is a rich source of vitamin C. You can raise your metabolism and reduces stress by drinking orange juice on a regular basis.
Carrot juice
If you smoke once, nicotine will remain in the body for 3 days. If you are a smoker, the nicotine will damage your skin and also makes you look dull. Carrot juice is good for your skin and also rich in vitamins A, C, and K, B which helps to eliminate nicotine from the body system.
Green Leafy Vegetables
Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetables are the best that are not only rich in vitamins, but also folic acid. If you are pregnant and concerned about the amount of nicotine in your body, start the consumption of spinach.
This juicy red fruit and helps improve blood circulation and the number of blood cells in the body. To reduce nicotine cravings boost, eat some pomegranates.
This fruit helps remove nicotine from the body. This fruit is a rich source of vitamins A, C and E. When you smoke, these vitamins will be reduced in the body.
Berry fruit
Berries such as strawberries can help get rid of nicotine and other harmful toxins from the body.
Smoking causes dehydration. According to many researchers, you can stop smoking and reduce nicotine from the body by drinking lots of water.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Some Thiamine Benefits For Human Body

At the beginning of his discovery, Dr. Eijkman said that the disease elephantiasis can be cured with regular rice bran.
Dr.. Eijkman find important substance in rice bran can also be found in vegetables, nuts, milk and egg yolks. Important substance is then given the name of thiamine.
Thiamine is easily lost from rice during the milling process. Being a water-soluble vitamin, causing vitamin is easily lost during rice washed and cooked. Most of thiamine in fruits and vegetables are usually lost during prolonged storage. Thiamine is also destroyed in the baked bread and cereals are cooked with baking soda.
Benefits of Vitamin B1
Thiamine has many health benefits for your body. Among them:
Enhance Your Body's Energy
Thiamine helps improve blood circulation. Increased blood circulation can help the distribution of oxygen to tissues throughout the body. The higher levels of oxygen that enters the network, the higher the energy level of the body. Especially during intense exercise.
Prevent Anemia
Anemia causes hypoxia in sufferers. It also triggered a decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood. Vitamin B1 plays a role in helping the production of red blood cells and increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body and prevent anemia.
Glucose Metabolism Helps
Carbohydrate metabolism plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the body's systems, especially in the liver. Keeping blood glucose levels is one of the many roles of liver for the body. Liver ability to manage glucose is inseparable from the role of vitamin B1.
Maintain Brain Function
Research has shown that thiamine can maintain blood levels of homo-cysteine ​​at a healthy level. Homo-cysteine ​​is an amino acid compound which is needed by the human brain. If the amino acid is not managed properly it will affect the decline in brain function. This vitamin also has the ability to improve the brain's nerve fibers. Beef, liver, shellfish and fish contain large amounts of thiamine.
Preventing neuropathy
Neuropathy as a disease common in people aged 40 years and over is difficult to avoid due to the decrease in the body's ability to regenerate nerves. But there are still ways for neuropathy did not approach our bodies. One is the increased consumption of vitamin B early on to keep the nervous system so that it can work well.
If you are unable to meet the body's need for thiamine  you can get it in the form of supplementation is widely available in the market. However, before you use it make sure that the supplement is completely safe to use.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Some Healthy Habits That Less Right

Of course sports, rest, and eat foods rich in vitamins is a good habit, but if too much, all that it can cause great harm. And, here's why.
Too much sleep
Of course everyone wants to be rested enough and unfortunately, most of us do not get it. However, too much sleep has a negative effect. "If you normally only sleep 6 hours during working days, then decided to sleep 9-10 hours when the weekend arrives, so do not be surprised if you wake up with a headache bonus," says Margaret Lewin, MD, assistant professor of health at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York City. "When asleep, the body breathe more slowly, so the CO2 released even fewer. Sleep longer provide opportunities for CO2 to settle in the body longer, lead to headaches."
"In addition to headaches, excessive sleeping person tends to feel depressed, prone to heart, even died," added Dr. Margaret.
Overdose of vitamin
Vitamins, either from food or pills, is one of the key prerequisites body composition. However, what if an overdose? Is there any impact? According to nutritionists, Lyssie Lakatos, RD, women should be careful with the type of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, because it can accumulate in fat. Unlike the C is water soluble so easily removed through the urine.
Vitamin A is important for eye health, reproductive, and immune systems. Vitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables, as well as milk and eggs. The problem is a lot of food enriched vitamin A. "If you eat cereal with milk, then take a multivitamin, and eat an egg, then most likely, the levels of vitamin A that day was excessive," said Lyssie.
So, what are the signs the body of excess vitamin A? Hair and eyebrows fall out, rough skin, and chapped lips. We recommend that you do not need to add a multivitamin if food already contains sufficient amounts of vitamin A.
Sports all the time
Throughout the week was sitting behind an office desk, now is the time to sports. Tapiii, wait a minute! "A person who rarely exercise are more likely to get hurt if they are too eager to do it at one time," said Carly Cummings, a personal trainer and founder of Hyp-Yoga Inc.. "I can give tips for beginners is to remember that exercise is a step that must be done consistently for life. So, choose that you can enjoy. Push yourself, even when it comes to body pain, obviously not a wise move." Always start with the sports start slowly and warm up first. Gradually it was very important.
Excessive Use hand sanitize
Little-bit using hand sanitize  Although experts agree that alcohol-based hand sanitize can stop the circulation of germs, but soap and water hand washing remains a way that is healthier. "Sanitize is provided when there is no hand washing facilities around you. Using a gel cleanser several times, without washing, allowing the bacteria stick in hand." It is better, after the use of hand gel 3 times, you immediately wash your hands with water and soap.
Abundant Fiber
Indeed friendly fiber for digestion and blood sugar levels. Fiber is also a good friend to those who are on a diet because fiber give a full impression of the stomach. However, eating fiber can lead to excess gas in the stomach, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps, "says nutritionist Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD.
Brush your teeth too hard
Of course clean white teeth were beautiful, but this does not mean you have the right brush too hard and too often. "All the toothpaste must contain abrasive substances (to remove stains), and using too much can harm tooth enamel," said Dr. Margaret. "While brushing your teeth too hard can injure the gums and make it shrink." You better brush your teeth 2-3 times a day with as much pasta and peas size toothbrush with soft bristles-medium.
Wash your face too often
If the skin is oily and prone to breakouts, then you might be tempted to frequently wash your face. In fact, washing your face too often it will make sensitive skin irritation and aggravate acne. "The goal of face washing is to remove dirt and dust, not peel off the layers of facial skin," says dermatologist Debra Wattenberg, MD. "Washing your face 2 times a day with mild soap is enough."
Too often health tests
There is a discount from the nearest lab for check-up services. Discounts for some reason, or are too worried about themselves, can cause a person to frequent testing. You need to know, if the doctor does not recommend it. You better check-up is not easy. Why? For many medical devices that emit radiation are less friendly to the body.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pressing the Cancer Growth with Bitter Melon

bitter melon
Vegetable called bitter melon that has a unique shape, like a wrinkled green skin wrinkles. Tend to be somewhat bitter taste, especially when one process.
And it turns out, a study showed that the extract of bitter melon fruit was found to block the growth of cancer cells, in cases of pancreatic and breast cancer.
"Three years ago, the scientists show the effect of bitter melon extract on breast cancer cells. Extracts also affect glucose metabolism pathway to restrict energy and kill pancreatic cancer cells," said the leader of the Cancer Prevention and Control at the CU Cancer Center, Rajesh Agarwal, PhD.
Professor of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, said that pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer, and has a high mortality rate because of not easily detected.
Researchers saw a decline of up to 60 percent of the capacity of pancreatic cancer cells to grow, the test mice that had been transferred to the cancer cells, after being given bitter melon extract.
Pare the extract works by preventing the cells from glucose metabolism and make the cancer cells starve and run out of energy sources.
Cancer cells rely largely on glucose for energy growing, because these cells have a problem to produce alternative forms of energy itself.
"Many researchers engineer new drugs to target cancer cells' ability to have its own energy supply, and here we have a compound that is naturally able to do that," said Agarwal, as quoted by Medical Daily.
From now on, do not be rejected again with the properties of this vegetable is slightly bitter.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

20 Minutes Sunbathing Can Reduce Hypertension Attacks

Blood pressure is certainly a terrible scourge for everyone. Women are generally more susceptible to lower blood pressure than men. However, this also does not rule out the possibility that women could also developing high blood pressure. 
Usually, if a developing high blood pressure, they will be forbidden to consume some foods. Patients with hypertension also then be inclined advised to change diet and lifestyle. If not handled properly, could hypertensive stroke by a heart attack. 
There is an easy way if you want to anticipate from this one horrific disease. It's easy, you just simply sit in the sun for 20 minutes. It's that simple then? Here's the explanation given by researchers from Edinburgh University. 
During this time, the sun is always associated with its use in preventing skin cancer.Apparently, there are other benefits to be gained from this technique. Researchers at Edinburgh University revealed that if you 'hang' yourself in the sun for 20 minutes, the blood vessels will issue an important chemical called nitric oxide. It acts to reduce blood pressure and also reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots. 
In this study, a total of 24 volunteers did a sun bath under a tanning lamp twice with each 20 minutes. In the first session, volunteers will be exposed by the light and heat from the UV, while for the second session they will only be exposed to the heat. Their blood pressure dropped drastically after the first session, is due to UV radiation. 
The researchers believe that nitric oxide contained in the skin open and widen the arteries, it would be beneficial for lowering blood pressure. Dr.. Weller also said that the benefits of a healthy heart because the sun will also reduce the risk of skin cancer. He also added that it was too soon to say this as a healing method which is certainly due to the present, this method will also still being debated.

Friday, May 10, 2013

6 Unique Recipes To Prevent Acne

Acne is the most common skin problem and is often experienced by women. No matter how old, acne seemed like an endless scourge.
Is a gene, extreme weather, stress, as well as cosmetic products that do not match, the main cause of acne. The most appropriate measures to eliminate acne is the natural treatments you can do at home as often as possible.
Recipe 1: Apple cider vinegar and honey
The first herb is used as a home-based alias homemade toner. How, by mixing 1/2 tsp honey and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, then apply to the entire face using cotton. Gently pat the face with a cotton pad and allowed to stand for 5-10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. After rinsing your face with warm water, rinse your face with cold water again. Apple cider vinegar can help dry up acne and remove it. So, you do not need to bother squeeze.
Recipe 2: Sari lemon
Lemon juice can help lighten dark spots acne scars on the face. The trick, simply rubbing the lime juice and leave it on the skin overnight. The next morning, rinse with warm water, facial wash, and end with cold water. Do it until the black spots on the face obscured and slowly fade.
Recipe 3: Strawberry milky facial
4-5 Combine strawberries with 2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk. Mash strawberries and mix with the milk. Now, massage on face and leave about 20 minutes for both materials absorbed nutrients from the skin. This facial will give extra care to dry the pimple and face so moist.
Recipe 4: Carrots and Celery
Carrots are one of the vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and it can help eliminate acne scars, you know. When combined with celery, then they will compact into a material that kicked away from the free radicals face. The trick, mix 1 carrot, 2 stalks celery, 100 g apples, 100 grams of cucumber. Then blend into one. Apply the mask on your face, leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and finish off with cold water.
Recipe 5: bath salts
Well, this one recipe should only be done if your face free of inflamed acne. Usually when they are staying alone mark, you should apply as peeling. Mix a little salt with the bath water, apply on face. Allow to dry slightly. Wipe gently so that the dead skin cells off, then rinse.
Recipe 6: Closing pores with sunflower oil
Apply sunflower oil before going to bed on the face, especially in the area of ​​T. Sunflower oil can help disguise and shrink pores. Do the recipes on a regular basis every week. Undoubtedly acne averse again approaching and you get silky smooth skin free of acne.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

8 Health Facts Cucumber Fruit

Cucumber Fruit
Cucumber is a type of squash vine that grows half and only live in one season. This one plant will die after flowering and fruiting. Produce fruit and be yellowish green when old. Variegated flesh thickness, the older the fruit pulp will be thin. In it there are many seeds that are edible. Typical fruit aroma and freshness are never left bored everyone inhaled. Not only efficacious in the culinary world and the health benefits of cucumber is also rich in the beauty world.
Here are 8 facts you need to know cucumbers.
  • Fact 1: Cucumber can be used as a deterrent inflammation, can be eaten raw or processed first. Therefore, when you are advised to consume cucumbers breakouts.
  • Fact 2: This fruit has the ability to diuretics, which will cool digestion and clean. He will facilitate digestion so that the small and large bowel will not be a problem anymore for you.
  • Fact 3: In the medical world, there is a fact that cucumber can help speed up the healing process of arthritis, lung, stomach pain and intestinal worms.
  • Fact 4: Rich nutrition benefits and, unfortunately, when processed into pickles, cucumber nutrients will be reduced in number.
  • Fact 5: When processed into juice, cucumber can alleviate liver disease and stomach. Ulcer patients are usually advised to consume cucumbers. But unfortunately if it is too much then the blood pressure will go down.
  • Fact 6: Cucumber can refresh the eyes and black blemishes on eye circles. The trick is to use rubbing cucumber on the eyes during sleep.
  • Fact 7: Not only good for the skin, cucumber is also good for treating hair fertility. The trick is to mix with carrots, spinach and lettuce, then processed as juice. Taken three times a week in order to get maximum results.
  • Fact 8: Used as a mask, cucumbers can moisturize the skin and cure acne.

It turns out many of the benefits of this cucumber. Let's always keep in the kitchen and then reap the benefits every day.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

6 Foods that Can Make More Sleep Soundly

sleep soundly
Everyone wants a good night's sleep, so that when you wake up, the body is more fresh. Sleep is often disturbed due to wake up for no reason makes the body weak and dizzy. Hence, a good night's sleep the dream of all people.
Sometimes, there are certain conditions that make a person difficult to sleep well, hungry for instance. You can solve this problem with natural ingredients. Instead of taking the medication, the better you eat the foods below, reported by Newsmaxhealth. Foods that are too heavy can make abdominal discomfort when sleeping, then select the food that you no longer feel hungry and can sleep more soundly.
Apple is a fruit that has a dense and nutrient-rich water soluble fiber that can expand in your digestion. So that eating apples can make the stomach feel full without twisting. Gives a natural sweet taste of delicious apple without raising blood sugar levels are too high.
Oatmeal, including wheat is high in magnesium evening snack. Eat a small bowl of oatmeal is the anti-hunger snack that will not interfere with sleep. You can add pieces of apple or other fruit in the oatmeal as a flavor enhancer.
Chamomile tea
Drinking chamomile tea has always believed can make sleep more soundly. Soothing scent can make better quality sleep. If you do not like chamomile, you can replace it with lemongrass tea, or lemon tea, both of which have nearly the same benefits.
This tiny red fruit known as an anti-inflammatory and a natural source of melatonin. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed high enough melatonin in cherry, approximately 13.5 ng per gram.
Neuroscientists at the University of San Antonio found that people who experience sleep disturbances could try eating a handful of walnuts or walnuts before bed. Studies conducted by Dr.. Russel J. Reiter, Ph.D. shows that walnuts are a good source of melatonin and easily absorbed by the body. "Levels of melatonin in the blood increased three-fold when you eat a walnut," explains Dr. Russel.
If you are in conditions that are too hungry or too stuffed to the trouble actually can give your night's sleep. By eating a piece of cheese before bed is enough to make your body is in a comfortable condition, since these foods contain enough protein for your sleep.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

10 Beware of Attack Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that is difficult to detect early symptoms, because symptoms are often considered minor and posed negligible. Because the early symptoms are often considered normal, diabetics often do not realize that he had to do some medical care. Many diabetics also addressed so late endanger the health of other body parts.
It is important for everyone to know the early symptoms of diabetes, not only for those who are high risk, but also you are feeling healthy and no talent diabetes. Do not make a young age as a benchmark for the unwary, as more and more young diabetics even teenagers. Reported by Genius Beauty, this is the 10 symptoms of diabetes that you should not underestimate.
Down Weight Without Cause
Do not like it when you lose weight without cause. Weight should go down if you change your diet, activity beyond normal involvement or are recovering from an illness. Weight loss without cause could be a symptom of type 1 diabetes. When a person has diabetes, the body can not use glucose properly anymore, so the fat will be used as energy. That's what makes a person lose weight.
Urinating more often
This is another indication that a person suffering from diabetes. If you are more often urinate more often, the condition is called polyuria.
Often Feel thirsty
For no apparent reason, you feel very thirsty and want to drink all day. This occurs because the body loses water due to polyuria and require re-supply of body fluids.
The Weak Eyesight
If you are getting frequent blurred vision, it could be due to increased levels of glucose in the blood. The glucose will accumulate around the lens of the eye, so that your sight is often out of focus.
Embezzlement experiencing Skin Color
Dark spots began to appear on the skin. Freckles or darkening of the skin usually occurs around the neck and is an indication of diabetes. The body responds to insulin by producing more pigment, so that some parts of the skin become darker.
Easy Tired
You more easily tired than usual. Beware of these symptoms because these are symptoms of diabetes.
Frequently Feeling Hungry
Insulin levels make people feel hungry even after eating easier than usual. It contains hunger urge a person to eat more or medically known as polyphagia.
Wounds Takes Long To Heal
Indications easy to know the symptoms of diabetes is wound on your body. If you have cuts or scrapes that dry and long recovery time than usual, these are the symptoms to look out for.
Experiencing frequent Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections
When glucose has exceeded a certain limit, your body will experience some periodic infection. If you have more frequent infections, especially in the vagina and bladder, could this be a symptom of diabetes.
Numb feet Stabbed At Needles
Another indication of diabetes was reduced nerve function that eliminates the sensation of pain in the legs, or numbness often. Wary of these symptoms, especially if you do not feel pain when the needle pierced feet.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Secret Benefits of Lemon for Health

lemon secret
The highest content of flavonoid in citrus fruits is between the skin and the fruit that is in the mesocarp, which resembles a sponge and a white thread. That's why this section shall you eat when you eat citrus fruits.
Naringenin, is one of the active substances contained in flavonoid contained in citrus and tomatoes whole family. Research shows that the content of naringenin could prevent tumor growth by improving deoxyribose nucleic acid or are familiar with the so-called DNA.
An experiment conducted on rats showed that naringenin content can also help the process of burning excess fat metabolism by stimulating the liver. Naringenin also known to increase the levels of good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.
All citrus family has considerable benefits for health. One of the most common types of citrus lime consumed. Although not many are taking them directly because it is too acidic, lime juice has great benefits for health, especially for those who are looking for herbal remedies.
Lemon juice contains limonene and linalool oil, flavonoid such as poncirin, Hesperidine, rhoifolin and naringin. While the ripe lime contains synephrine and N-methyltyramine, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B1, and C.
As natural herbs, lemon efficacious to relieve cough, phlegm laxative, laxative urine and sweat, as well as help the digestive process.
Here are 5 ways to cultivate lemon herbal medicines as reported by
  • Overcome Hemorrhoids : Take 10 grams of lime tree roots. Rinse with boiling water and boil for 30 minutes and strain. Drink in warm three times a day.
  • Tonsil : 3 Wash the lemon peel. Chopped into small pieces and then boiled with 2 cups boiling water until the remaining ¾ then strain. Use in warm water to rinse, 3-4 times a day.
  • Relieves Cough : Prepare a glass of warm water. Juicing a lemon mixed with a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of salt, mix well and strain. Drink 2-3 times a day to relieve your cough.
  • Prevent Body Odor : Cut a large lemon into two parts. Grease the inside of an orange with whiting. Apply on armpits after a shower. Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse.
  • Relieve Sore Throat : Cut 3 pieces of ripe lemon and squeeze. Pour lemon juice with hot water. Add 1 tablespoon of pure honey and mix well. Use this mixture to rinse for 2-3 minutes in warm water current. Repeat 3 times a day.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 Benefits of Honey for Health Human Body

Honey has been known since 10,000 years ago. This is evidenced by the discovery of an ancient painting in a cave that is in Valencia, Spain.
In the picture seen two men using a ladder was reaching to take the honey bee hive.
Origin of Honey
Honey has a sweet and shaped like a thick syrup. Honey produced by bees with nectar raw materials. Nectar is a complex compound produced crop gland in the form of sugar solution.
Change process nectar into honey begins when the bees carry nectar to the hive. This nectar is then mixed with saliva and reduced water levels by worker bees to avoid fermentation process.
Worker bees chew the nectar by adding diastase and invertase enzyme, so that the nectar of a pale yellow viscous liquid with a distinctive aroma of honey.
Nutrient Honey
In every 100 grams of honey there are different variants of the essential nutrients the body needs, such as:
  • Energy 294 calories
  • Carbohydrate 9.5 g
  • 24 g water
  • Phosphorus 16 mg
  • Calcium 5 mg
  • Vitamin C 4 mg
Not only that, honey also has other important minerals such as sodium, magnesium, za iron, and potassium. Although needed in small amounts, the mineral content has a considerable role for the survival of the body's metabolic processes.
Health Benefits of Honey
In addition to having a complete nutrition, honey can also provide a variety of health benefits for those who eat them. The health benefits of eating honey on them:
  • Sources of Energy : Ancient Roman and Greek athletes at that time using honey as energy drinks are consumed before and after the match. For hundreds of years honey has been known as the best energy source. Sugar content in honey is the most logical reason, since sugar is the body's main energy source.
  • Accelerate Wound Healing : Honey works as a natural antibiotic that was able to defeat the deadly bacteria. Honey is acidic, while bacteria can not breed in acidic conditions. Osmosis process in the honey can combat bacteria and absorb water from the bacterial skin wounds, such as a sponge absorbs water. In fact, RS University of Wisconsin Medical School and Public Health provide honey for wound therapy ulcers suffered by diabetics. The trial of a 79-year-old patient successfully heal wounds on his toes. The patient does not even amputated thanks to the honey treatment.
  • Sugar Substitute : Honey can be mixed into drinks or food preferences. If you like to drink tea, try replacing sugar with honey as a sweetener.
  • Prevent Cancer : Carcinogenic substances in honey acts as an anti-cancer so as to reduce the risk of cancer, especially for those at high risk of developing cancer, such as smokers, consuming liquor, lazy to exercise, and more.
  • Help Calcium Absorption : The research team at the University of California proved that honey consumption can increase antioxidants in the blood. In fact, honey can help the absorption of calcium so that the body can use the calcium more optimal, especially for preventing bone disease.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

4 Foods That Makes Durable Satiety

full stomach
Controlling food portions is important. People who are hungry even though he had large meals, often eating unhealthy foods, fatty, and high in calories.
As the body's main source of nutrition providers, eating should not just make a full stomach, there must be a mindset change. Eating is a process to include the nutrients that the body needs, so the food choices and appropriate portion should be considered.
If you often feel hungry when you have eaten fairly and overeating afraid because too often hungry, this diet can help you feel full longer, reported by RedBookMag.
Tofu is that cheap food can you come across easily in a variety of places, ranging from traditional markets to supermarkets. Soft and tasty food has a high protein complete. By Jen Brewer, an expert on health, soy or soy sauce will keep you full longer. A study also says that those who ate tofu soup before a meal will eat foods 'big' in smaller portions. In addition, a small bowl of tofu soup contains only 50 calories.
Do not be afraid to eat eggs. A study showed that people who ate eggs at breakfast will reduce the desire to eat large up to 330 calories. Those who eat eggs can also control hunger better than those who consumed carbohydrate foods in the morning, bread or rice for example. If you are afraid of the effect of egg yolk can increase cholesterol levels, you can eat the white part only.
The food is one that is rare in Indonesia, but if you find it, you can eat this food as a hunger controller. Pumpkin pieces as much as one cup ends meet as much as 7 grams of fiber and provide nutrients the body needs, even better than oatmeal. Confused process into what you can bake.
Dark Chocolate
Not always chocolates make fat. Choose dark chocolate that is low in sugar and does not contain milk. A study done at the University of Copenhagen found that those who like eating dark chocolate helps someone eat 15 percent less at the next meal. But remember, choose dark chocolate, because chocolate is mixed with milk do not give the same effect.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Choosing Foods Healthier

material food
There are several types of foods that are healthier to replace less healthy foods. Looking for a replacement for less healthy foods are not as difficult as you might think. Here are some of them:
Replace butter with apple sauce
If you need a cooking vegetable oil, butter, or margarine then use applesauce or low-fat buttermilk instead. According to the USDA, half cup of butter contains 900 calories and 92 grams of fat, while a half cup of applesauce contains only 50 calories and fat free.
Ensure reduce added sugar if apples are chosen is kind of sweet. Do not cook too long because low-fat foods tend to dry out if cooked too long.
It is recommended to use a comparison bowl half applesauce and half butter cup low-fat milk for better results. Suitable for recipes like muffins, bread, or cake.
Replace Chocolate Bars with Chocolate Chip
The principle is why choosing a larger portion if there is a smaller portion of the same taste. Each chocolate chip will still taste delicious in cooking and calories are also smaller. Still make sure you choose a quality of chocolate chips or dark chocolate contains the most cocoa powder.
Similarly, if forced to remain should wear chocolate bars, choose the type of dark chocolate with a minimum content of 70% cocoa powder. Dark chocolate contains flavoring as antioxidants and help boost good cholesterol prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Substitute Sour Cream with Yogurt Low Fat
You need a splash of salad sour cream? Pizza you need cream dip? Just use a combination of low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese instead of sour cream. Why? The results of the combination of both thick and tasted the same steadiness with sour cream.
Your dishes will also be lower in fat because of it. If there is, choose the cottage cheese with no salt added so that you can reduce the sodium content in food. Blender low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese in the same comparison for the results to be a sort of puree is thick and soft.
Replace Minced Beef with Poultry Meat Minced
If you need a dish of ground beef, choose poultry meat such as minced meat ground chicken breast instead of ground beef. Make sure you choose the chicken breast without skin. The replacement will make your dishes lower in fat and cholesterol.
Replace with Skim Milk Milk
Pudding or cake ingredients you need milk? Use skim milk instead. Skim milk contains calcium and higher protein and lower fat. With the same viscosity, skim milk will make your dishes lower in fat and calories.
Replace butter with Cooking Spray
Cooking spray is a kind of mixture of lubricating oils, emulsifiers intestinal  and propellant to the usual thin sprayed frying pan to prevent sticking cuisine. Also commonly sprayed cooking spray on a thin flavored vegetables before to allow the flavors more attached to the vegetables. Calorie cooking spray so small that it fits replacing butter very fatty and high calorie. Cooking spray is suitable for cooking stir-fry or saute vegetables.
With a little trick choosing foods a healthier alternative, you can still eat delicious food without having to hoard more fat and calories.