Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tips On Overcoming Problem Itching Vagina

Tips On Overcoming Problem Itching Vagina
Itching of the vagina caused by many things, one of which is a bacterial fungus. The fungal bacteria can be contracted through sexual intercourse multiple partners, urinate in a less hygienic, does not replace the pads on a regular basis, do not change underwear when it's damp, excess sugar in the body, allergic to antibiotics, a weak immune system and other forth.
There is also itching caused by an allergic reaction, but the probability is very small and rarely experienced by most women. Even so, the fungal bacteria should not be allowed to continue because it can grow in number and not only cause itching. In the case that is not treated immediately will cause as burning and accompanied by pleasant aroma. If carded and irritation, then it could be a bikini bottom area of ​​infection.
If signs of itching in the vagina has been attacked by fungi, in addition to itching, Miss V is also accompanied by the formation of a white fungus that is thick enough to stick to miss area V. Well, the fungus will continue to grow and cause itching, burning and foul smell.
Keeping it balanced PH is the main key to the fungus does not grow in the area miss V. Therefore, avoid using any soap when washing the vagina and it is recommended to wear a special soap with PH balance.
For cases that have severe itching, you should immediately contact your doctor does. But if the doctor is still a few hours ahead, then you can do the following:
  • Washing the vagina using a special soap with PH balance
  • If soap is not available, can use boiled water betel leaf
  • Changing underwear any signs of moisture. Do not let it get prolonged wet because the bacteria can be more and more in number.
  • Avoid using the bandages too long. Change your pads every 3-4 hours.
  • In the meantime, avoid all foods that can aggravate itching like seafood, eggs, chicken, and other things that can trigger allergies.
  • Use talc powder to relieve itching, because the powder would be the perfect medium for bacteria to breed mold.
  • Use in tight pants and hot. Miss V need air to breathe and require considerable change.
  • Scratch when it itches, as this will aggravate the condition.
Immediately contact your doctor immediately so that you can receive care and treatment through oral and gel / cream that can specifically address the fungal bacteria.

Overcoming Smell and Sweat Too Much On Feet Soles

Overcoming Smell and Sweat Too Much On Feet Soles
In certain cases, there are people who can easily sweat on the soles of the feet. This is normal because every person is born with a different number of sweat glands. There is also easy to sweat because of psychological problems or certain diseases. If you are sweating in the foot or leg feels moist, it could create confidence declined, due to sweaty feet odor when mixed bacteria. Sense of damp in the foot too uncomfortable. To fix this, do the ways!
Soak With Salt Water
Once a week, soak feet in a mixture of 1 quart of warm water and 60 grams of sea salt. This marinade can make your feet more comfortable and help relieve excessive sweating.
Wear Powder Special
To prevent foot odor, use a special deodorant foot powder. Use before you wear shoes or socks before wearing every day.
Use The Absorb Sweat Socks
Wearing socks is the right choice to make you sweat quickly absorbed and does not give the impression hot and uncomfortable.
Avoid Footwear From Plastic
Footwear made ​​of plastic foot complicate breathing pores. Choose shoes made ​​of leather or use a more open footwear. Sense of cool in the leg will reduce excessive sweating.
Treating Footwear
Footwear that has been used is a hotbed of bacteria which can cause foot odor. Wash your footwear regularly. If it should not be washed, winds in a warm location but not direct sun exposure that lost moisture.

Recognize Symptoms and Various Kinds of Hepatitis

Recognize Symptoms and Various Kinds of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is a disease threatening the second after cancer. And at least 1 in 12 people have the potential for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. As reported and reported by Indiatimes, hepatitis is enough cause unrest and never made ​​a lot of people dying because of it. One of them alone Hepatitis C, which is even 100 times more deadly than HIV.

Cause of Hepatitis is diverse, different in each case. Symptoms include:
  • Excessive nausea
  • Muscle pain
  • fever
  • Protracted headache
  • Yellowing eyes and skin

Hepatitis is found not only one kind. Until now in the world there are 5 types of diseases classified Hepatitis different causes.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is caused by the Hepatitis A virus Usually infects through food or water. Those who fell ill with hepatitis A will feel pain and experience all the symptoms of hepatitis. There is no specific medicine to treat it other than pain medication. However, it has now been found that a vaccine can prevent this disease.
Hepatitis B
Caused by hepatitis B. Transmission through blood transfusions or transmission of body fluids such as semen or discharge from Miss V. The virus is also transmitted during unprotected sex, sharing needles simultaneously, passing razors, toothbrushes or other body material exchange. There is already a vaccine that can prevent this disease, and is generally given to those who are actively using drugs type of injection.
Hepatitis C
Caused by hepatitis C. Infection can occur due to the exchange of saliva, semen, vagina fluid, and blood transfusions. Unfortunately, until now there is no cure and the vaccine has not discovered any signatures.
Hepatitis D
Caused by the hepatitis D virus, and usually appears in people with hepatitis B. Suspected that turns the hepatitis B virus can mutate and evolve into viral hepatitis D.
Hepatitis E
Caused by hepatitis E virus and usually infects not too long and tend to be weak. Spread through contaminated food and water.

It is important to do the hepatitis A and B vaccinations to prevent the disease. Also, avoid changing partners and vigilant when it comes to blood transfusions. Live healthier by choosing food hygiene, and stay away from the threat of this disease.

7 Causes of High Cholesterol to look out for

7 Causes of High Cholesterol to look out for
In recent years, cholesterol is a frightening specter. Cholesterol is considered as the evil that causes health problems, such as heart attack, stroke and death. A person often feel anxious if the level of bad cholesterol in the blood is high. To maintain the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, you have to know what are the causes of high cholesterol, quoted from website.
Eating Pattern
What you eat, that's your body. Inevitably, diet is one of the causes of rising cholesterol levels. Some foods that contain cholesterol, among others, red meat, brains, seafood, animal milk, egg yolks, butter, cheese, palm oil. This does not mean that all food should be avoided, but should be consumed in moderation. While the foods you should watch out for high cholesterol such as margarine, pastries, cookies, chips, and other light snacks.
Belly fat is not just a signal that your appearance should be improved, because belly fat and excess weight will increase the level of triglycerides (bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL (good cholesterol). Ideal body weight and have a flat stomach is one of the key healthy.
Daily activity
Lazy, sleeping, day in front of the television or the computer will raise the level of LDL or bad cholesterol and lowering HDL or good cholesterol. Increase your physical activity, at least in the early morning walk or swim.
Age and Sex
When someone comes in at number aged 20 years, is naturally cholesterol levels will start rising bit by bit (as it should be your case). In men, if a good lifestyle, then cholesterol will begin to stabilize at the age of 50 years. Whereas in women, cholesterol remained stable until menopause. After menopause, cholesterol levels could rise as much as men.
Rarely Health Checks
Young age is not a reason to skip the various medical check. To see if your cholesterol is likely unstable or potentially increased cholesterol, doing routine medical check.
Family History
If a family has high cholesterol, there is most likely you will experience the same thing. So often to ask your biological family's medical history. Thus, you can make an effort to stabilize the bad cholesterol.
Smoking habit
You must have been smart enough to understand the dangers of smoking. Smoking lowers levels of good cholesterol, so it will increase bad cholesterol. Still want to smoke?

Those are some facts about the causes of increase in cholesterol or high cholesterol. May be useful.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tips to Lose Weight Using Seaweed Materials

Tips to Lose Weight Using Seaweed Materials
This seaweed is a type of algae that was rich in fiber and very good for digestion. As mentioned by several studies, one of which is revealed by a study conducted by the Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen, as quoted from tips healthy people. In these studies revealed that the fiber content in seaweed when consumed will give a sense of satiety for longer, improving digestion so no constipation, and decreased appetite.
The study was conducted on a number of respondents for 12 weeks, and the results they have weight loss significantly after eating seaweed.
In the belly, seaweed gel form that can strengthen the satiety signal to the brain. And in a similar study also found that the seaweed fiber drink in a week, a person can lose weight at least 1.7 pounds.
Fiber in seaweed is also found in apples, but coverage is better and more effective. Digestion is also more stable so that bowel movements become more fluent every day.
Want to reap the benefits of seaweed, try some of the following ideas.
  • Adding a gelatinous white while cooking the rice, so that the fiber in rice is much higher.
  • Eating jelly before eating.
  • Eating seaweed extract as a supplement.
  • Eating seaweed as a healthy snack, can be used as a herb ice, but do not forget to reduce your intake of sugar.
  • Seaweeds can be presented as well as a menu of vegetables, or as a wrap sushi.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Benefits and content of Aloe Vera

Benefits and content of Aloe Vera
Known for its benefits for hair, aloe vera it also saves a lot of other benefits. In fact, the ancient one, Aristotle asks his son Alexander the Great to colonize an island just because he wants to plant aloe vera to heal the wounds of the soldiers involved in the war fleet.
Although shaped like a cactus, but the actual aloe vera is included in the lily family which originated from southern Africa. Told by site, aloe vera has two benefits hundreds of its every corner, including vitamins, minerals, amino acid content, enzymes and so forth.
Wrinkle-free, Skin Shines
If you use aloe vera gel with ingredients you will surely avoid the appearance of wrinkles. This is because aloe vera is a fantastic moisturizer incredible. No matter what type of skin you have, say aloe vera is suitable for all skin types because she gives the supply of oxygen to the cells which can generate power and nourish the skin.
Take a piece of aloe vera and set aside part gelnya alone. Remember, this does not include sticky liquid that sticks to the skin. Destroy this gel and apply before you sleep. Besides acne disappear, the skin will be soft, glowing skin and say goodbye to wrinkles.
Making thick and long hair
Remember Rapunzel long hair, if it's really happening in the real world, surely many hair problems that will occur in the hair. But, Rapunzel does not live in your era, so get her jealous! You can apply aloe vera directly on your hair. Believe me, dandruff will disappear until the lice from your hair.
Apply the gel on the scalp after you wash. Light massage for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Or for practical, you can buy a shampoo with aloe vera content in it.
Contains lots of vitamins
Aloe vera contains some vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, therefore drinking a glass of aloe juice will certainly bring a million benefits to your health. With a glass of aloe vera juice, you can make more immune resistant so you will not be susceptible to disease.
Aloe vera juice is also rich in minerals. If you drink it on a regular basis will help you regulate blood flow in the body and also keep your weight stable. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and feel the benefits all day.
Healthy The joints and heart
As described above, with a glass of aloe vera juice will be a lot of benefits that you will get. Consuming aloe vera can also make you do not immediately see a doctor for joint problems. This is because aloe vera also contains anti-inflammatory benefit your muscles and joints. Not only that, it also lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Add aloe vera jelly from the fruit into smoothies or milk shakes you consume.
Breath relief
If taken in the right way, can aloe vera treat respiratory disorders. If you are susceptible to colds, bronchitis or other allergies, you can put aloe vera juice in your daily diet. Aloe vera has a lot of content that can help the body to thwart the development of bad bacteria in the body.

Friday, July 5, 2013

10 Tips for Eliminating Depression

Your post drowsiness during the day and is very eager to overeat? Be careful, you unwittingly may be experiencing symptoms of depression that can harm your body and your mental health. Want to know how to solve it?
The body is the main signal to find out if you are depressed. According to research from the University of Washington, USA, and daytime sleepiness after a great desire to overeat is a signal from the body that show symptoms of depression. However, there are some simple ways that can help you relieve depression.
Here are 10 simple tips to prevent and cure depression:
Consumption of vitamin D
Vitamin D is also known as the sun vitamin because sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the brain produce serotonin and oxytocin as antidepressants. These hormones are known to improve your mood at least up to 30%. According to researchers from the University of Texas, the morning is the best time to take vitamin D so as to reduce the risk of depression is almost 50%.
Do not be too tidy
Slightly lower standard of cleanliness or neatness lets you have more time to relax and rest. This helps you reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is the destroyer of brain function and your ability to produce hormones attenuator antidepressants. On the other hand, slightly reducing the time for clean-up can also make you to increase serotonin production in one week.
Change lighting
The researchers believe that there is a direct neural connection between the eye and your biological clock. Keeping your home and workplace remain bright in the daytime using lights or open the curtains are very helpful to reduce sleepiness triggers your stress and depression. But an hour before bed, you are advised to turn off lights and other electronic devices that emit light in order to get a healthy sleep pattern.
Dancing happily
Dancing is a combination of sport and rhythmic movement. This activity could push produce endorphins and serotonin making you feel happier. For best results during the 30-minute dance 4 times a week. In a study in Sweden recently, scientists declared that dancing for 9 weeks can reduce the risk of depression by 67%, a result that is much very good compared with the consumption of antidepressant drugs.
Sing along
Sing along to make your brain will be calm and to improve mood and alpha brain waves. Women who include music in their daily lives or sing for 10-15 minutes per day is known to recover from depression to 55% and reduce the risk of depression by 50%.
Eating avocados
Research shows, eat half an avocado every day can reduce the risk of depression and its symptoms by 25%. This is because the avocado will be full of monounsaturated fatty acids, a nutrient that can encourage the brain to produce the hormone dopamine, known as the love hormone causes a feeling of calm and comfortable.
Include starch in the diet
Starch is a refined flour in sediments yams, cassava, potatoes, and so on are shredded. Potatoes are known to increase the level of tryptophan in the brain as much as 54%.
Join the club of physical activity
Women who spend time together and move with physical activism club once a week, will feel healthy and happy for a month.
Apply a healthy sleep patterns
Compared with the early risers, nocturnal people 4 times more prone to depression. Staying up late and missed the morning sun would greatly disrupt your biological clock. Try to sleep before 11 pm because it is believed to reduce the symptoms of depression you are in for 1 week.
Do reflexology for 20 minutes a week can increase the production of endorphins in the brain causes feelings of pleasure and decrease pain and other physical fatigue by 25%.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Effective Ways to Lose Weight by Drinking Coffee

Long ago, many studies that prove the benefits of coffee to improve human health. In consumption is not excessive, coffee can make mood awake even lower the risk of oral cancer. In addition to making healthy, recent research shows that coffee can lose weight.
Reporting from the site, researchers from the University of Queensland for the possibility that coffee can lose weight. Results of clinical trials showed that the average coffee fans have a slender body. This is because coffee can reduce appetite and amount of food to be consumed.
The study involved volunteers who enjoy caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated coffee enthusiasts. They enjoy the drink at breakfast. The researchers noted how their appetite before lunch. In volunteers who consumed coffee with caffeine, they could starve than volunteers who drank decaffeinated coffee.
In a previous study, Japanese scientists reveals that drinking coffee every day can reduce the risk of stroke. While researchers from Norway showed that drinking one cup of coffee before work can reduce pain or soreness.
Although healthy, coffee consumption should not be excessive. Two cups is enough to keep you fresh and healthy throughout the day.