Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Be careful, 6 Things It Can Trigger Unexpected Incidence of Heart Attack

A heart attack can come at any time for those who have risk factors, but researchers now reveal some other things unnoticed and unexpected fact can lead to a heart attack. Here are 6 things unforeseen that could lead to a heart attack, as reported by Prevention, Monday (08/19/2013).
Nonstick chemicals
Chemicals was felt nonstick cooking process makes everything easier. But in fact the medical side of the material is just the opposite. Previous anti-sticky material usage is associated with infertility, high cholesterol, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
But a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests a link between the chemical perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and heart disease. Regardless of age, body weight, presence of diabetes or other diseases, researchers found that people with high levels of PFOA in their blood had a 2 times greater risk of cardiovascular disease compared with those who had low levels of PFOA.
Climate change
Climate change is having a devastating effect on health, one heart attack. Excessive heat leads to the formation of small particles in polluted air, known as PM2.5. These particles will be entered and lodged in the lungs. Size is so small makes these particles can avoid the body's natural immune system defenses and migrate into the blood stream. Though hampered blood flow can clog arteries and form plaque, which is the trigger of heart attack and stroke.
Anti-bacterial soap
Triclosan is a chemical anti-bacterial soap and toothpaste is one of the causes of the risk of thyroid disease. Recent research suggests this material fact also can damage the heart and muscle tissue. As much as possible, should be the minimization of the use of soaps containing triclosan.
Canned foods
Sodium in fact not the only hazardous materials contained in canned foods. Other materials that bisphenol A or BPA, a hormone disruptor linked breast cancer, or aggressive anger problems in girls, obesity, and infertility.
Now a study published in the journal PLoS ONE reveals that small doses of BPA can cause cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. To avoid this, try to limit canned food and prefer fresh or frozen foods.
Scientists have found a link between air pollution, traffic congestion, and heart attack risk. German researchers found that those who are stuck in traffic, either as a driver or passenger, had 3.2 times higher risk for heart attack compared with those who did not get stuck in a traffic jam.
Some seafood
Researchers from Syracuse University shows that you have to choose more carefully seafood. Because, they found that fish contaminated with high levels of mercury which can disrupt the body's response to stress and increase the risk of heart disease. Mercury raises this risk by interfering with the body's natural levels of the hormone cortisol.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Bananas, Cheese and Chocolate Is Dangerous Foods

Bananas, Cheese and Chocolate Is Dangerous Foods
Anyone who likes to eat bananas, cheese or chocolate? The food is often recommended for healthy consumption. Bananas contain lots of vitamin B and fiber to aid digestion. Chocolate can reduce stress, while the cheese contains calcium. But you know, not always healthy food is really healthy.
Chocolate, Banana & Cheese Make Difficult Sleep
Quoted from Genius Beauty, chocolate, bananas and cheese contain a lot of tyramine, a substance that can be toxic in adrenaline. Many consume all three will increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels. As a result, the muscles will experience a hyper-tonic and cause migraines. Therefore, avoid eating chocolate, banana or cheese before going to sleep.
Avoid Bananas The Causeway Gas Sprayed
Be careful with bananas imported from other countries or other regions. Bananas are usually harvested while still green and sprayed gas special order just in time to mature. The effects of the gas can stimulate excessive production of the hormone estrogen in women and androgen in men. As a result, children can experience early puberty, nerve disorders, irregular menstruation and having trouble sleeping.
Dark Chocolate is not Always Healthy
Many people are afraid of getting fat if you eat chocolate that is mixed with milk, dark chocolate so often been even more bitter taste. Unfortunately, dark chocolate containing 90 percent cocoa proved difficult to digest the body. To digest, the body will secrete enzymes artillery. Though the body is more easily digested when mixed with milk chocolate.
Chocolate is made ​​happy because it can stimulate the hormone serotonin. But if you lack too much chocolate cocoa even up to 90 percent of it can cause problems in the stomach and intestinal inflammation. In fact, there are people who suffered an overdose of chocolate, not happy to come by, but the stress and depression.