Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Recognize Symptoms and Various Kinds of Hepatitis

Recognize Symptoms and Various Kinds of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is a disease threatening the second after cancer. And at least 1 in 12 people have the potential for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. As reported and reported by Indiatimes, hepatitis is enough cause unrest and never made ​​a lot of people dying because of it. One of them alone Hepatitis C, which is even 100 times more deadly than HIV.

Cause of Hepatitis is diverse, different in each case. Symptoms include:
  • Excessive nausea
  • Muscle pain
  • fever
  • Protracted headache
  • Yellowing eyes and skin

Hepatitis is found not only one kind. Until now in the world there are 5 types of diseases classified Hepatitis different causes.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is caused by the Hepatitis A virus Usually infects through food or water. Those who fell ill with hepatitis A will feel pain and experience all the symptoms of hepatitis. There is no specific medicine to treat it other than pain medication. However, it has now been found that a vaccine can prevent this disease.
Hepatitis B
Caused by hepatitis B. Transmission through blood transfusions or transmission of body fluids such as semen or discharge from Miss V. The virus is also transmitted during unprotected sex, sharing needles simultaneously, passing razors, toothbrushes or other body material exchange. There is already a vaccine that can prevent this disease, and is generally given to those who are actively using drugs type of injection.
Hepatitis C
Caused by hepatitis C. Infection can occur due to the exchange of saliva, semen, vagina fluid, and blood transfusions. Unfortunately, until now there is no cure and the vaccine has not discovered any signatures.
Hepatitis D
Caused by the hepatitis D virus, and usually appears in people with hepatitis B. Suspected that turns the hepatitis B virus can mutate and evolve into viral hepatitis D.
Hepatitis E
Caused by hepatitis E virus and usually infects not too long and tend to be weak. Spread through contaminated food and water.

It is important to do the hepatitis A and B vaccinations to prevent the disease. Also, avoid changing partners and vigilant when it comes to blood transfusions. Live healthier by choosing food hygiene, and stay away from the threat of this disease.

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