Friday, July 5, 2013

10 Tips for Eliminating Depression

Your post drowsiness during the day and is very eager to overeat? Be careful, you unwittingly may be experiencing symptoms of depression that can harm your body and your mental health. Want to know how to solve it?
The body is the main signal to find out if you are depressed. According to research from the University of Washington, USA, and daytime sleepiness after a great desire to overeat is a signal from the body that show symptoms of depression. However, there are some simple ways that can help you relieve depression.
Here are 10 simple tips to prevent and cure depression:
Consumption of vitamin D
Vitamin D is also known as the sun vitamin because sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the brain produce serotonin and oxytocin as antidepressants. These hormones are known to improve your mood at least up to 30%. According to researchers from the University of Texas, the morning is the best time to take vitamin D so as to reduce the risk of depression is almost 50%.
Do not be too tidy
Slightly lower standard of cleanliness or neatness lets you have more time to relax and rest. This helps you reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is the destroyer of brain function and your ability to produce hormones attenuator antidepressants. On the other hand, slightly reducing the time for clean-up can also make you to increase serotonin production in one week.
Change lighting
The researchers believe that there is a direct neural connection between the eye and your biological clock. Keeping your home and workplace remain bright in the daytime using lights or open the curtains are very helpful to reduce sleepiness triggers your stress and depression. But an hour before bed, you are advised to turn off lights and other electronic devices that emit light in order to get a healthy sleep pattern.
Dancing happily
Dancing is a combination of sport and rhythmic movement. This activity could push produce endorphins and serotonin making you feel happier. For best results during the 30-minute dance 4 times a week. In a study in Sweden recently, scientists declared that dancing for 9 weeks can reduce the risk of depression by 67%, a result that is much very good compared with the consumption of antidepressant drugs.
Sing along
Sing along to make your brain will be calm and to improve mood and alpha brain waves. Women who include music in their daily lives or sing for 10-15 minutes per day is known to recover from depression to 55% and reduce the risk of depression by 50%.
Eating avocados
Research shows, eat half an avocado every day can reduce the risk of depression and its symptoms by 25%. This is because the avocado will be full of monounsaturated fatty acids, a nutrient that can encourage the brain to produce the hormone dopamine, known as the love hormone causes a feeling of calm and comfortable.
Include starch in the diet
Starch is a refined flour in sediments yams, cassava, potatoes, and so on are shredded. Potatoes are known to increase the level of tryptophan in the brain as much as 54%.
Join the club of physical activity
Women who spend time together and move with physical activism club once a week, will feel healthy and happy for a month.
Apply a healthy sleep patterns
Compared with the early risers, nocturnal people 4 times more prone to depression. Staying up late and missed the morning sun would greatly disrupt your biological clock. Try to sleep before 11 pm because it is believed to reduce the symptoms of depression you are in for 1 week.
Do reflexology for 20 minutes a week can increase the production of endorphins in the brain causes feelings of pleasure and decrease pain and other physical fatigue by 25%.

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